60% of SEO Agencies Are Worried About Google’s SGE Impact | Friday SEO Tip

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60% of SEO Agencies Are Worried About Google’s SGE Impact

Today’s Friday SEO Tip is a shameless plug for our upcoming training course. On Tuesday, February 27th, from 10:00 a.m. to noon MST, Daniel Burns and I will be hosting a free hands-on workshop on optimizing your site for Google’s upcoming Search Generative Experience (SGE), and we have a few seats left. The best part? We were able to wrangle Andrew from SE Ranking into joining us!

SE Ranking provides many innovative tools for essential SEO tasks like keyword research and competitor analysis. They’re BSM’s favorite platform, and we’re thrilled they will join us. Andrew will give a quick overview of the tools we rely on as part of our methodology. (If you want to start trying them today, click here for one free month!) Check out the video above to learn why optimizing for SGE is more crucial than ever.

As I mention in the video above, if you saw this article by Barry Schwartz, you’ll know why now is the perfect time to attend a webinar like ours. In the article, Barry talks about a poll conducted by Aleyda Solis. She asked agencies if they were worried about the impact of SGE, and—to my surprise!—many said yes.

Because BSM has always done things a little differently, we’re extremely excited about the global roll-out of SGE. Our methodology aims to create the kind of content SGE is looking for, and we can’t wait to share it with you during the online training course. Click here to register!