Have Google’s Latest Updates Affected Your Site Yet? | Friday SEO Tip

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Have Google’s Latest Updates Affected Your Site Yet?

Big news! Google just concluded its March 2024 spam update. Meanwhile, a core update is still rolling out as we speak. Check out the video above to see how BSM’s website has been affected so far.

If you’re wondering what the spam update targeted, check out this article by Barry Schwartz in Search Engine Round Table. And if you’re a web creator, this document from Google explains the new spam policies, which focus on scaled content abuse. With the proliferation of tools like ChatGPT, anyone can flood their site with low-quality content, and Google is taking notice. If you’ve been posting a lot of AI-generated content, now’s the time to stop. The pages will likely get deindexed, and your site will be penalized.

In the video above, I also talk about Google Search Console. It’s a free tool that we use all the time at BSM. You can use it to compare web traffic from before the spam update rolled out and after it concluded. I wanted to see which of our pages gained an advantage and which got demoted. As you’ll see in the video, it looks like there are a few pages on our site that were hurt by the update. Now I can analyze them to determine where there’s room for improvement, so we can hopefully restore those rankings. I encourage you to do the same with your site!