AI-Generated Content That Meets Google’s Standards? It’s Coming Sooner Than You Think! (And with a Little Human Involvement, It’s Already Here!)

AI Content Generator Expert Interview with Dominik Lambersy, Cofounder of Berlin-based AI Startup TextCortex

Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content your website needs to climb the rankings? If so, I invite you to watch the 30-minute recording of my interview with Dominik Lambersy, AI enthusiast and cofounder of TextCortex.

As an international SEO consultant and industry expert, I enjoy hosting educational events whenever possible. One of my favorite ways to create high-quality content is to interview experts from SEO-related industries. These online interviews produce food for thought and help businesses implement local, national, and global expansion strategies. Considering I’ve been closely following the development of AI tools for content creation, you can imagine how excited I was to connect with Dominik. Throughout this 30-minute interview, I asked him a series of questions about AI and TextCortex.

You’ll find each question and a summary of Dominik’s answer below. If you have the time, I hope you check out the interview, too, because it contains a cool demo!

1. Can you try TextCortex for free?

Dominik said TextCortex wants to give people the tools they need to produce high-quality content without getting stuck in the weeds. As such, a “freemium” version is available, with 15 text creations per day. For unlimited creations, monthly subscriptions are also available.

2. Google doesn’t seem to like AI-generated content. When will we have the tools to produce content that meets the algorithm’s standards?

Dominik explained that the misuse of AI-generated content became a huge problem last year when an American company released an API that allowed people to create a lot of low-quality, randomized content. At TextCortex, on the other hand, they designed their tools to be used in collaboration with real humans. Consequently, they consider what they do to be a form of “co-creation.” The tool handles 90% of the work, but it’s still up to the user to tweak the generated content so it sounds “just right.” With a bit of human engagement, we already have the tools to produce content that meets Google’s standards.

3. When will AI be able to write the first Pulitzer Prize winner?

Dominik believes we’re less than ten years away from AI being able to create a fantastic piece of literature. The type, tone, and quality of the content that’s produced comes down to the kind of data you feed the system. If you can give it a lot of award-winning novels and then create the right brain to replicate them, you can see how we’re not all that far from having machines write books and screenplays. However, one thing to keep in mind is that the content is generated from data that already exists, and it’s limited at that—for now.

4. Is there anything else we should know about TextCortex?

TextCortex hopes to change the misconception that all AI-generated content is low-quality. Dominik wants to remind users that such content often comes from programs that charge a single fee for a lifetime membership. Since the system must be updated continuously, those pricing models don’t allow for ongoing development. That’s why TextCortex operates on a subscription basis. If you’re on a tight budget, you’re invited to use the “freemium” version for as long as you need!

Meet TextCortex

TextCortex wants to be your writing assistant. If you need to communicate a lot in written form, hand over your more mundane tasks to the program. Their ultimate mission is to become a kind of “super app” that can help anyone with virtually any aspect of content creation, from checking grammar and finding synonyms to generating entire paragraphs that are both readable and engaging. Get started for free today!


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