Does Your Site Deliver an Awesome User Experience? | Friday SEO Tip

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Does Your Site Deliver an Awesome User Experience?

Today’s Friday SEO Tip is brought to you by Daniel Burns, BSM’s rockstar COO and Digital Strategist. One of his areas of expertise is user experience (UX), which has a big impact on SEO. When evaluating a client’s site, for example, Daniel might consider how easy—or how challenging—it is for visitors to find what they’re looking for. Check out the video above to learn more.

When ranking webpages, Google considers hundreds of factors, but two hold more weight than all the others combined: the quality of the content and the kind of user experience the page as a whole provides. If either of these is lacking, you’re going to see a high bounce rate, which will hurt your rankings. Bounce rate is a social signal that refers to the percentage of visitors who navigate away from a site after visiting only one page. 

To learn more about user experience and how it affects SEO, check out the latest episode of the Search off the Record podcast. And if you want to dig even deeper, consider enrolling in a course on UX guidance