Quite Possibly the Most Powerful SEO and Content Marketing Strategy – Learn How to Optimize for Google’s New AI Overviews

Google’s new AI Overviews (initially announced as Google’s New Search Generative Experience) is rolling out in the United States and will soon be available in other markets worldwide.

The search engine results pages (SERPs) as we know them are changing, as you can see from the AI Overview example below:

Google AI Overview Example

Being featured in this new SERP feature is critical to driving the right organic search traffic to your website. To do so, you must change your entire search engine optimization approach. Enter Micro-SEO Strategies—the new SEO.

[Join us on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, for a complimentary 60-minute webinar, Adapt or Fall Behind: Leveraging Google AI Overviews for Success.]

[For additional insights about this powerful SEO and content marketing strategy, register for the half-day online SEO course on Thursday, October 24, 2024. Space is limited; reserve your spot for this hands-on online SEO workshop.]

This hyper-focused content marketing strategy follows Google’s approved guidelines and allows small and mid-size businesses to outrank even the most prominent websites in the world. No joke!

If you don’t know what Google AI Overviews (formerly SGE) is or would like to see it in action, make sure to watch the brief video below:

Heads-up: Since Google is regularly updating AI Overviews, this guide will be a living document. I’ll update it regularly.

Also, since I want to ensure that you clearly understand how to implement this powerful SEO and content marketing strategy, I’ve recorded multiple videos in which I explain each step in more detail.

If you have any questions or comments, please send me a message. I also invite you to subscribe to my LinkedIn e-newsletter about AI and SEO. On a regular basis, I discuss and share the latest developments in AI and SEO.

First Things First: What’s the Difference Between an SEO Strategy and a Content Strategy for SEO?

SEO Strategy

SEO strategy usually refers to an umbrella term that broadly describes all strategies and tactics deployed as part of a comprehensive search engine optimization strategy.
A full-scale SEO strategy frequently involves addressing dozens, if not hundreds, of tasks that fall into the following categories:

  • Technical SEO
  • Functionality and user experience of a website
  • On-page optimization
  • Off-page optimization
  • Social media marketing and other off-page brand-building activities, including influencer marketing
  • Content marketing

In short, an SEO strategy is a purposeful plan that focuses on optimizing an entire website’s visibility on search engines and a brand’s visibility and recognition on the internet.

Content Strategy for SEO

On the other hand, a content strategy for SEO focuses on producing and optimizing content on a website. The main goal of a content strategy is to connect a website with the right audience through online search.

We’ll share more detailed information in this guide. Still, before creating content for a website, it’s essential to:

  • understand the target audience,
  • align content with search intent,
  • take advantage of data insights from free Google tools such as Google Search Console
  • and Google Trends, and
  • perform an in-depth SERP analysis.

Optimizing an entire website through a comprehensive SEO strategy can take months or even years (depending on the number of pages on a website). Deploying a full-scale content strategy for SEO can take equally as long.

Our strategy combines the best of both worlds and can achieve remarkable results within three to four months. Why do they work so well? It’s simple, really. Content created by people and for people will always rise to the top. It has always been—and always will be—about providing value.

Google gets better at scrutinizing web pages every day, and if your page is the best piece of content on the subject, the search engine giant will want to feature it on the SERPs. SGE will change how people find what they’re looking for, but it will not change the underlying goal of SEO: providing value.

Creating the best piece of content on the internet probably sounds like a tall order, but I’ve got some good news. There are tons of tools that can streamline the more tedious tasks for you. In the steps below, I’ll walk you through when and how BSM uses these tools to create pages that draw Google’s attention.

Getting Started

  • Open our Spreadsheet Template and make a copy.
  • Give your copy of the spreadsheet a unique name. This will be your working spreadsheet.
  • Fill out each spreadsheet section.

The video below shares additional on how to get started with the spreadsheet template:

Instructions for Each Section of the Spreadsheet

What is this project about?

Consider the ultimate intent of the piece. Every piece of content should serve a purpose. Do not create content for the sake of creating content, or you’ll waste time and money. Many people shoot from the hip when deploying a content strategy, but your page is much more likely to succeed if you identify your intent before getting started.

Where will this page reside on the site?

Since these are the instructions for creating a comprehensive guide, the page will likely reside in the Resources section of your site. If you do not have a Resources section, consider reorganizing your site and adding one. It is much easier for Google to interpret pages that are categorized intuitively.

Is this a new or existing page?

Are you creating a totally new page from scratch, or are you optimizing a low-hanging fruit opportunity?

Target Audience I, II, and III

The content should be written with one or more of your target markets in mind. Use AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard to create buyer personas. These will be your ideal readers; the content should speak directly to them.

You should target one or two—but no more than three—kinds of readers. If you cater the piece to more than three unique buyer personas, Google will struggle to interpret it.

Key Messaging Points and Content Brief

Use ChatGPT and Google Bard to generate a simple content brief. Let the AI chatbot know what you’re writing about and who you’re targeting, and then ask it to devise key messaging points.

Quantitative Goal

Set clearly defined goals because measuring the strategy’s success is the only way to determine its success. These goals should be realistic and measurable.

For a piece of content like this, the quantitative goals might include:

  • Rank #1 in text-based organic search results (and land position zero if applicable) for the primary and secondary target SEO keywords
  • Get listed as a resource in the new SGE

In the video below, I’ll walk you in detail through these steps:

Keyword Research

At BSM, we use the tools from SE Ranking in various ways. You can sign up for a free one-month SE Ranking trial here.

If you are optimizing an existing page:

  • Log in to SE Ranking.
  • Click on “Competitive Research.”
  • Paste the URL of the page you’ll be optimizing in the box to the right of the box that says *.domain.com/*
  • Click “Analyze.”
  • Scroll down to where it says “Organic Keywords.” Click “VIEW DETAILED REPORT.”
  • Look for high-intent keywords with good search volume for which the page is not already ranking #1 for. Select three to five keywords that make the most sense. These are the “low-hanging fruit opportunities” you’ll be targeting.

If you are creating a new page:

Develop a list of relevant phrases based on the topic and the target audiences to jumpstart your keyword research. When devising these keywords and phrases, consider what kinds of keywords will actually convert. In other words, what phrases will the people who want to buy your products or services use when performing a Google search?

Once you have devised a few phrases that have conversion potential, take the following steps:

  • Log in to SE Ranking.
  • Type in one of the phrases. Adjust the parameters if necessary, and then click “Analyze.”
  • Consider the list of Keyword Ideas. If it does not appear promising based on Search Intent, repeat steps 1-3 with the other phrases. Once you get a workable list, export it.
  • Return to the spreadsheet and click on the Keyword Research and Directories tab. Save the list of Keyword Ideas there.
  • Using common sense, choose up to three primary and five secondary keywords. Remember: The more focused the piece of content, the better it will perform.

Check out this video for step-by-step instructions on how to perform keyword research:

What is the page title?

Every page on your site should have a title. Name this piece of content using one of the primary keywords. Use the primary keyword within the first 50 or so characters.

What is the target URL?

While Google has said URL is not a ranking factor, including a keyword in the URL makes it easier for the algorithm to interpret pages correctly. Note: If you are working on an existing page, DO NOT CHANGE THE URL. You only need to create a URL if you are creating a new page.

Title Tag

The title tag should be between 50 and 60 characters with spaces and should contain one of the primary keywords. It should be written in title case.

Give considerable thought to the title tag. On the reader side, this is one of the most important elements of your page. Most people will decide whether to click through to the page based solely on the title tag.

Description Tag

The description tag should be between 150 and 160 characters with spaces and should contain one of the primary keywords. It should be written in sentence case. When describing the page’s contents, try to be clear, concise, and specific. Otherwise, Google may generate its own description tag.

Image Alt Tags(s)

The image alt tags explain what the images on the page depict. They are for site visitors who are vision impaired. They also allow Google to interpret the images correctly so they can rank on image search. Make sure to follow Google image SEO best practices.

Ideally, the tags will contain keywords, but they should primarily describe what’s in each image in simple terms. If you do not know which images will be on the page, you can fill out this section after completing the wireframe.


If you embed any videos on the page, include their links here. They can be your videos, or they can be from reputable third-party sites. Add multimedia to your page when it makes sense because videos increase dwell time.

Check out the video below for more details:

SGE Analysis

  • Sign up for SGE and then turn it on.
  • Create a new Google doc or Word doc. This will be the working draft of the content brief.
  • Place the keywords at the top and put the primary ones in bold.
  • For each of the primary keywords, perform a Google search with SGE enabled.
  • Copy and paste the text overviews at the top of each search into the doc.
  • Input all the text into ChatGPT or Google Bard with a prompt like, “Please reorganize this information into an intuitive outline that flows. Please make sure there are no duplicate headings or redundant topics.”
  • Review what the AI chatbot returns. If the information needs a bit more pruning, proceed with more specific prompts. Once the information is acceptable, paste it into the doc. This is your Most Critical Information (MCI) and MUST be included in the content.
  • Paste a link to the doc you created in the spreadsheet’s SGE cell.

The video provides you with step-by-step instructions on how to perform the SGE analysis in order to identify the MCI:

SERP Analysis and Content Brief Development

The SGE analysis should have revealed the MCI on the subject, but this is not the only information to include on the new page. To land the #1 spot on Google, you must also include all the vital information that the top-ranking pages for your primary keywords have in common. Use SE Ranking to conduct a competitor analysis to determine what that is.

  • Hover over Content Marketing and then click on Content Editor.
  • Click + New Article
  • Put up to five of the keywords in the box.
  • Select the country, region, and language.
  • Add an article name.
  • Run the analysis by clicking “Create Article.”
  • Select the pages you and the client want to outrank, starting with the four biggest competitors. Keep it simple to start; you can always analyze additional pages as needed.
  • Note the content parameters (e.g., word count, number of headings, number of paragraphs, number of images, etc.) in your working doc.
  • Unselect all the terms to use, then manually select the individual terms you want to perform the SERP analysis on for the pages you selected.
  • Select a few links to highly relevant and reputable external sites to include in your piece of content.
  • Click Outline and then Competitors. Copy the sections that the other pages have in common and paste them into your working doc to add to your content brief.

Make sure to watch the video below as I’m walking you through this process, step-by-step:

Create the Wireframe

Organize the content brief in an intuitive way that tells a story. Keep the MCI near the top of the page, and remember to leave room for images and videos. If you use web developers, you can hand off this outline to them. At BSM, we use Miro, which bills itself as a “Mind Mapping Tool,” to create wireframes. Your development team can start building the wireframe using Lorem Ipsum as a placeholder for the actual copy.

Micro-SEO Strategy wireframe example

Write and Edit the Content

Using the content brief, flesh out the page. Include the keywords in the copy and internal and external links where relevant. Remember that you’re ultimately writing for humans, not search engines. The copy should be readable and easy to digest. It should not be redundant or stuffed with keywords. Every section should provide value and contribute to the page as a whole.

It may be fairly long, but don’t let that scare you. Remember: The goal is to create the best piece of content on the web for the given subject. In that same vein, don’t stress too much about meeting a specific word count. As long as you provide value and all the critical information is included, Google should take notice. For example, you don’t want to tell readers what you’re going to tell, then tell them, and finally tell them what you told them. (If you’ve ever searched for a recipe online, you know how frustrating such text-heavy content can be!)

At the end of the day, consider what your target audience is looking for, and then make sure to provide that without any unnecessary fluff. Sprinkling in videos, images, and infographics can make the page easier to digest.

Launch the New Page on the Site

Once the content has been polished and the client has approved the wireframe, publish it to your site.

Index the Page via Google Search Console

Instead of waiting for Google to discover the new page, submit it directly to the database via Search Console. This will help it get indexed right away.

Promote the New Page on Social Media

Announce the launch of the new page (and link back to it) on all your social media channels.

Create, Optimize, and Publish Supporting Content

Once we launch these pages for our customers, we also make sure to create several supporting pieces of content. This means creating, optimizing, and publishing supporting content like press releases, articles, blog posts, case studies, etc., that promotes and links back to the Micro-SEO Strategy℠ page. In particular, launching a digital PR campaign always works wonders.

With this supporting content creation initiative, we build a micro-content hub (aka content silo) to support the Micro-SEO Strategy℠ page.

Implement Foundational, Site-wide SEO Tasks

Deploying a Micro-SEO Strategy℠ and supporting content might sound simple enough—and we’re the first to admit it’s not rocket science!—but it’s important to remember that you can gain extra points by ensuring the entire site is in good SEO shape.

That’s why we offer several foundational SEO services. These services address as many foundational ranking factors as possible, so Google doesn’t have to think twice about ranking the updated pages first.

Depending on our research, the size of the website, and other factors, we’ll usually recommend implementing several site-wide, general SEO activities as part of the overall SEO strategy.

These more general SEO activities consist of on-page SEO and off-page SEO activities. On-page SEO and off-page SEO are two distinct techniques used to improve the ranking and visibility of a website or a web page on search engine results pages.

On-page SEO involves optimizing various elements on a web page, such as the content, meta tags, header tags, URL structure, images, and internal links, to make them more search-engine friendly and relevant to the targeted keywords. The primary goal of on-page SEO is to make the website or web page more attractive and informative to search engines and users.

On the other hand, off-page SEO refers to the optimization techniques performed outside the website or web page to improve its ranking and visibility. Off-page optimization activities include acquiring and building backlinks, social media marketing, and brand mentions. The primary goal of off-page SEO is to improve the website’s authority, trust, and relevance in the eyes of search engines.

While on-page SEO and off-page SEO are distinct techniques, they are both essential components of a comprehensive SEO strategy. An effective on-page and off-page SEO strategy can help a website achieve higher rankings on SERPs, increase its organic traffic, and, ultimately, achieve its business goals.

The following list includes some tasks we usually recommend implementing as part of a more comprehensive SEO strategy:

Common On-page Optimization Tasks

Blog Bio and Author Pages

Blog bios and author pages can add credibility to a blog and improve its search engine ranking.

A blog bio is a short description of yourself and your work that appears at the end of each post. An author page is a more detailed page with contact information, social media links, and a list of blog posts.

Create a General FAQ Page

Creating a General FAQ page for a website can improve SEO, reduce customer support costs, increase website traffic, and establish expertise in the industry.

Create Industry Terminology and Glossary Page

Creating an industry terminology and glossary for your website is a great way to help establish the website as an expert in your industry.

Create a Dedicated Customer Support Page

A customer support page is a dedicated page on a website that provides customers with information and resources to help them with their inquiries, concerns, or issues. It typically includes information on contacting customer support, frequently asked questions, troubleshooting guides, and other resources to assist customers.

Create an Industry Resources Page

An Industry Resources page on a website can improve SEO by increasing search engine ranking, providing valuable information to visitors, creating backlink opportunities, and establishing expertise and authority in the industry.

Create Customer Case Studies

Developing customer case studies for a website can increase website traffic, improve search engine ranking, establish expertise in the industry, and generate leads. Case studies are a valuable tool for improving SEO and growing business. If you need some inspiration, check out the SEO case studies on our site.

Create a Video of the Week

Creating a video for a website can increase website traffic, improve search engine ranking, establish expertise, and generate leads. In addition to posting the video to a company’s YouTube channel, we recommend embedding the video on your website, as we do with our weekly Friday SEO Tip video.

We also recommend promoting the video via social media channels and via a weekly LinkedIn e-newsletter.

Content Pruning

Content pruning is a process that involves removing low-quality or outdated content from a website to improve its ranking in search results. Search engines use content quality to rank websites, so removing low-quality content can positively impact a website’s overall quality. Pruning can also help eliminate outdated content irrelevant to the target audience.

Internal Linking Optimization

Internal linking involves creating links between pages on your website. It is crucial for SEO as it can improve your website’s ranking by signaling to search engines that your website is popular and relevant. Internal linking can also improve the user experience of your website by making it easier for users to find information, leading to longer visit times and higher conversion rates.

Site-wide Keyword Research and Mapping

Keyword research identifies the words and phrases people use when searching for information online. Keyword mapping refers to organizing those keywords into a plan for the entire website. Keyword mapping involves organizing keywords into groups and strategically placing them throughout the website.

Site-wide Meta Title & Description Optimization

Meta title and description optimization involve optimizing a web page’s title and description tags for search engines. These tags are essential factors in Google’s ranking algorithm. To optimize meta tags, we’ll use the researched and mapped keywords.

Site-wide Image & Alt Tags Optimization

Image alt tags are a text alternative for an image. They are used to describe the image to users who cannot see it, such as users with visual impairments. Search engines also use alt tags to understand an image’s content and determine how to rank it in search results.

Image File Name Optimization

Optimizing image file names is the process of giving image files relevant and descriptive names. Image file name optimization is essential for SEO because it helps search engines understand what your images are about and how they are related to the content of your website. For example, if you have an image of a cat, you could name it “cat-on-the-couch.jpg.” This would be a more descriptive and relevant name than “image1.jpg.”

Add Schema Site-Wide

Schema markup is a standardized format added to a website’s HTML code, which provides additional information about the website’s content. It helps search engines better understand the website’s content and can lead to higher rankings in search results and increased traffic. Different types of schema markup are available for different types of content on the website, such as articles, products, events, and people.

Common Off-page Optimization Tasks

Digital PR

Digital PR is a form of public relations that is important for SEO because it can help you get links to your website from high-quality websites. Links from high-quality websites are one of the most critical factors in Google’s ranking algorithm, so getting more links can help you improve your overall search engine ranking.

In addition to distributing press releases via PR distribution platforms, we’ll also add the press release to your website.

Backlink Gap Analysis

A backlink gap analysis involves comparing the backlink profiles of multiple websites to identify opportunities for improving a website’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). Backlinks are crucial in Google’s ranking algorithm, and a higher number of high-quality backlinks can improve a website’s ranking. This analysis can help identify websites that rank well for target keywords and target similar websites for building links to improve the website’s ranking and attract more traffic, making it an essential part of any SEO strategy.

Backlink Analysis & Disavow

Backlink analysis evaluates the quality and quantity of backlinks to a website and is critical for SEO as it helps identify and remove low-quality backlinks. Disavowing backlinks involves telling Google not to count specific backlinks towards a website’s ranking, protecting it from penalties caused by spammy backlinks. Backlink analysis and disavowing can improve search engine ranking, reduce the risk of penalties, and increase trust from Google. To conduct backlink analysis, use a backlink checker tool and evaluate each backlink based on quality factors. When using the Google Disavow Tool, only disavow low-quality or spammy links and include the full URL in your disavow file.

Google Approved Link Earning Strategies

Google-approved link-earning strategies follow Google’s guidelines for building high-quality links. Methods include guest blogging, utilizing social media, submitting to online directories, creating LinkedIn Company and Showcase pages, etc.

Google Business Profile Optimization

Google Business Profile Optimization is improving a business’s online presence on this Google platform. By filling out the business’s information, including the address, phone number, and hours of operation, the company is more likely to appear in local search results, leading to increased traffic and revenue. It’s a crucial part of SEO for companies looking to attract local customers.

Social Media Marketing for SEO

Social media marketing is a powerful tool for promoting your brand on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. It can help you reach a wider audience, build relationships with potential customers, and drive traffic to your website.

Moreover, social media marketing can boost your SEO by creating valuable backlinks to your website. With more high-quality backlinks, your website is more likely to rank higher in search results, making social media marketing an essential strategy for improving your online presence.

Most customers we work with end up utilizing the majority of these services. In handling such tasks, we can ensure their site meets Google’s minimum standards, so any Micro-SEO Strategies℠ we deploy for them can take off.

Address Pressing Technical and Functionality SEO Issues of Your Website

Technical SEO refers to optimizing a website’s technical aspects to improve its search engine visibility and performance. It involves implementing various technical elements and configurations that help search engine crawlers understand and index the website’s content effectively.

Technical SEO enhances website structure, speed, mobile-friendliness, crawling and indexing, URL structure, canonicalization, XML sitemaps, robots.txt, schema markup, and other technical components that impact search engine rankings. By optimizing these technical aspects, websites can improve their chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and ultimately increase organic traffic and visibility.

Think of it this way: if you own a car, you take it in for regular oil changes. And if you encounter any issues with the vehicle, you take it to the mechanic for diagnosis and to get the car repaired so that the vehicle continues to run smoothly.

The same thing applies to your website. If your website has technical and functional issues, it will impact its performance on Google and other search engines. Fixing the most critical technical problems will allow us to boost your overall “SEO score” and further lay a solid foundation for future SEO activities.

SE Ranking’s website audit tool and Google Search Console are fantastic tools to help you identify your site’s technical and functional SEO issues.

Tips for Using AI Chatbots

The better your input, the better their output.

Treat these tools like you would a human employee when interacting with them. When assigning tasks, for example, provide highly specific parameters. Consider what kinds of questions a human might ask upon receiving the task, and then answer these questions proactively in your prompts.

Be detailed with your prompts: “I am creating a comprehensive guide on X. It will teach readers Y and Z. It will go on this particular website, which sells A, B, and C. Please come up with a target audience for this guide.”

Use multiple tools and cross-check their outputs. For example, if you ask ChatGPT to develop three buyer personas, take them to Google Bard to confirm they’re good: “I am creating a comprehensive guide on X. Are these the audiences I should be targeting?”

Always apply common sense. Never assume the output is 100% accurate. Never use the content from an AI chatbot as-is without reading it over first.

Do not trust these tools blindly.

It’s Competitive at the Top in Google – Your E-E-A-T Score Will Make the Difference

Once SGE has been rolled out globally, the strategy I walk you through above will help your site remain in the running for the top spot on the SERPs for your targeted keywords. There’s one other critical component to remember, though, and that’s your E-E-A-T score.

Don’t know what E-E-A-T is? Don’t worry; I’ll explain. Google’s latest update to their quality rater guidelines (E-A-T to E-E-A-T) must be a central component of your SEO strategy.

Google E-E-A-T stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. It is a concept used by Google to assess the quality and trustworthiness of websites and web pages. E-E-A-T is one of the most important factors that Google considers when ranking websites in search results.

  • Experience refers to the firsthand or life experience that the content creator has in the topic they are writing about. For example, a website that reviews restaurants would be more trustworthy if the content creator has eaten at the restaurants they are reviewing.
  • Expertise refers to the content creator’s knowledge and skills—such as education, training, or experience—in the topic they are writing about.
  • Authoritativeness refers to the reputation and credibility of the content creator and the website they write for. This can be demonstrated through backlinks from other reputable websites, awards, or mentions in the media.
  • Trustworthiness refers to the reliability and accuracy of the information on the website. A great way to increase trustworthiness is to use citations, fact-checking, and transparency about the author’s bias.

Google wants to show users websites they can trust to provide accurate and reliable information. The higher the E-E-A-T score, the greater the chance the content will rank at the top in Google.

There are several things that websites and web pages can do to improve their E-E-A-T.

These include:

  • Ensure your website has an “About Us” page, author bios, and a privacy policy.
  • Only create and publish people-first, high-quality content to your website. Avoid writing content for search engines. Make sure to read Google’s advice on how to develop people-first content.
  • Build your online reputation by creating a positive brand reputation and earning authoritative backlinks from relevant and reputable websites.
  • Try to grow your social media presence by posting frequently and engaging in discussions about the same topics you cover on your blog.
  • Collaborate with recognized experts such as authors, reviewers, co-authors, and influencers.
  • Use digital PR to announce awards and speaking engagements. This strategy will frequently land you mentions in the media and online publications.
  • These tips can improve your website’s E-E-A-T and increase your chances of ranking higher in Google search results.

Let’s Briefly Talk About Google’s Helpful Content System and Why It Is Important For Succeeding with SEO and Content Marketing

Over the last few years, Google has made leaps and bounds in crawling, evaluating, and understanding the massive amount of content published daily on the internet.

Crawling, indexing, and storing content in server farms around the globe is extremely expensive. Google wouldn’t be the success story it is today if it couldn’t reduce the cost of doing so.

Google’s Helpful Content system is an integral ranking signal. Google designed it to prioritize and promote content in its search engine that offers users genuine assistance and valuable information.

In short, Google’s Helpful Content system algorithm update allows the search giant to weed out low-quality (and AI-generated) content from high-quality content that deserves to rank at the top of the search results.

Will Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact the Effectiveness of Micro-SEO Strategies℠?

At Boulder SEO Marketing, we use a human-driven, AI-assisted approach to SEO. We believe that this is the best way to get results. AI tools can help us to streamline our processes and save time, but they can’t replace our team of SEO experts.

We are constantly researching and testing new AI developments in the SEO space. As you saw above, we only use AI tools that are mature enough to be part of our process. This ensures that we are using the most effective tools available and not wasting our time on tools that still need to be ready for prime time.

AI is certainly changing how we deploy our Micro-SEO Strategies℠. We can now apply AI to some of the tasks involved in these strategies. As AI becomes more sophisticated, we expect to see even more changes in how we do SEO.

However, one thing that will always remain the same is the importance of high-quality content. As AI-generated content floods the internet, Google will crank down on low-quality, AI-generated content even more. Ultimately, businesses that create high-quality content will continue to have a significant competitive advantage.

The ultimate goal of every Micro-SEO Strategy℠ is to create the best piece of content on the web for the subject at hand. As AI becomes more prolific, the changing digital landscape will work in our favor because there will be so much more low-quality content out there. This fact makes it even more critical for businesses to create high-quality content that stands out.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Could a powerful SEO strategy like our hyper-focused Micro-SEO Strategies℠ benefit your business? If you’re unsure, I invite you to use our free SEO audit tool to see if your website is a good candidate for our hyper-focused SEO strategies.

In less than a minute, you’ll get a detailed report with lots of valuable information you can use to start devising actionable tactics today.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or want to talk shop. I’d love to have the opportunity to have a no-strings-attached screen share meeting with you to identify if your site has any low-hanging fruit opportunities.