Why You Should Add a Universal Return Policy to Your E-Commerce Site | Friday SEO Tip

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Urgent SEO Update: Will Your Site Be Mobile-Ready by July 5th?

Today’s tip is short and sweet so you can get back to your Friday! Check out the video above if you sell products online.

Can’t watch the video right now? Here’s a quick rundown. Google just announced markup support for organization-level return policies. Basically, it’s going to become easier for consumers to find return policies when conducting searches like “return policy + company.”

Last year, Google enabled the extraction of return policies for individual products. With this update, you can now add a universal return policy to your site. In addition to reducing the size of your structured data markup, this will allow the policy to appear with other kinds of search results, like brand profiles.

On another note, we hosted a webinar on AI Overviews earlier this week. If you were unable to attend, you can watch the session here. And if you want to learn more? Join us next week for a hands-on workshop on mastering AI Overviews.

On Thursday, June 20, from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. EDT, we’ll be hosting a webinar on our Micro-SEO Strategies℠. These hyper-focused tactics are designed to get pages to the top of the SERPs and now to appear in AI Overviews. Click here to register. Hope to see you there!