Personal Injury Law Firm SEO Case Study

Driving High-Quality Leads to Debbie Taussig Law, LLC

The Results

3 Months compared to same time previous year

Site Visitors
+ 0 %
Search Traffic
+ 0 %
Online Leads
+ 0 %

Once BSM got to work, it was amazing how quickly my site started climbing the rankings. The legal field is incredibly competitive, and I’m certain that outranking other personal injury firms in the area is going to have an incredible impact on my bottom line.

Debbie Taussig

Owner at Debbie Taussig Law, LLC

At a Glance

Meet Debbie Taussig Law, LLC (, a renowned personal injury firm in Boulder, Colorado. Its mission is to help accident victims rebuild their lives by providing fierce legal representation.

Debbie contacted us because she was looking for an SEO agency for lawyers. She wanted to increase the number of people who found her website through Google’s organic search results. These are the non-paid listings that appear when someone searches for relevant keywords. Debbie understood the value of appearing prominently in these search results to attract more potential clients.

Debbie was also determined to generate more high-quality leads. She recognized the importance of connecting with individuals genuinely seeking legal assistance and likely to become clients.

Our mission was clear: Help the firm enhance its online presence, increase visibility in organic search results, and ultimately drive more relevant traffic and leads to the site. This law firm SEO case study explains exactly how we did just that, so read on!


Conducting Keyword Research

Our first step was conducting comprehensive keyword research for SEO to uncover the most relevant and intent-driven keywords for personal injury lawyers in Boulder. By targeting these keywords, we aimed to achieve prominent placements in organic search results.

Enhancing Existing Content

Using our proprietary methodology comprised of Micro-SEO Strategies℠, we identified existing content that ranked on the second or third pages of Google’s search results and enhanced it. After tailoring our SEO for lawyers, we incorporated target keywords, added frequently asked questions (FAQs), refined the copy so it was up-to-date, and revamped the overall layout for a better user experience.

Deploying a Digital Public Relations Campaign

To further amplify the online presence of Debbie Taussig Law, we launched an extensive digital PR campaign. This involved publishing press releases highlighting the firm’s achievements, significant cases, and unique value propositions. By promoting optimized pages across various social media platforms, we maximized the reach and impact of these announcements.

Optimizing Google Business Profile

We recognized the significance of local search and optimized Debbie’s Google Business Profile. By meticulously crafting her profile, we aimed to secure a top-ranking position in the Local Map Pack—the prime real estate displayed at the top of search results for location-specific queries.


Significant Increase in Online Visibility

As a direct outcome of our efforts, Debbie Taussig Law experienced a substantial surge in online visibility. There was a notable boost in website traffic. Moreover, Debbie’s Google Business Profile consistently appeared among the top three listings, ensuring heightened exposure and visibility to individuals searching for personal injury lawyers in Boulder.

The optimized pages targeting keywords related to car, pedestrian, and truck accidents witnessed remarkable growth in organic impressions. Impressions refer to the number of times the website appeared in search results. Thanks to our strategic optimization techniques, these pages experienced impressive growth rates ranging from nearly 200% to over 500%.

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Enhanced Local Rankings

Debbie Taussig Law’s rankings in the Boulder area noticeably improved. Numerous high-intent keywords now secure top positions within Google’s Local Map Pack. By achieving these prominent local rankings, Debbie’s firm established itself as a leading personal injury lawyer in Boulder, reinforcing its credibility and trustworthiness among residents.

Acquisition of New Customers

The combined effect of attracting relevant organic traffic and positioning Debbie Taussig as a top-tier personal injury lawyer in Boulder translated into tangible business outcomes. The increased visibility and improved rankings resulted in a significant influx of new customers for her firm. By effectively connecting with individuals actively seeking legal assistance, Debbie Taussig Law solidified its reputation as a go-to resource for accident victims in the Boulder area.

About Boulder SEO Marketing

If you’ve been looking for an SEO agency for lawyers, your search is over. BSM is a boutique SEO agency that helps small businesses increase organic traffic. Using our proprietary Micro-SEO Strategies℠, we can deliver real results in record time. Since 2009, we’ve been helping clients climb the rankings. Unlike some digital marketing agencies that overpromise and underdeliver by claiming to “do it all,” we focus solely on search engine optimization. A jack of all trades might get your site off the ground, but you’ll need specialized tools to get to the top of the search results!

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