E-Commerce Magnet Company SEO Case Study

Unlocking Millions in Potential: How We Turned SEO Secrets into E-commerce Gold

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The Results

3 Months compared to same time previous year

Total Clicks
+ 0 %
Total impressions
+ 0 %
Average Position
+ 0 %
Bsm Client 2

Transparency is king, but sometimes, a little mystery fuels innovation. We’re focused on future-proofing our success, and for now, that means keeping our digital marketing tactics close to the chest. If this case study revealed our name, our competitors could catch on to what we’re doing, and it will become that much harder to stay on top!

The Client

At a Glance

Forget incognito mode; this e-commerce giant is cloaking its genius. We can’t name names, but let’s just say they’re magnetizing the online market with irresistible products, and their digital pull is about to blow your mind. While we can’t reveal much more about the specific client, we can show you how we turned this hidden gem into an impression and click-magnet powerhouse. Read on to learn why SEO e-commerce services were such a sound investment for them.


Keyword Excavation

We dug deep into the buyer psyche, unearthing the golden phrases customers use when searching for the magnets the client sells. These weren’t just keywords; they were treasure maps guiding us straight to leads! We then infused product pages with the language our keyword research yielded, transforming them into conversion goldmines.

PR Blitz

After updating the content, we implemented a digital PR campaign. This included crafting and distributing targeted press releases, sharing the news on social media with engaging posts, and building backlinks through industry collaborations. These efforts effectively brought the revamped pages to the attention of both Google and potential customers, boosting visibility and driving organic traffic.

Enhancing the User Experience

No e-com SEO strategy is complete without a few tech fixes. We identified and addressed user pain points within the informational pages. This involved simplifying complex layouts for intuitive navigation, ensuring content clarity and easy-to-digest information, and strategically placing clear calls-to-action (CTAs) that guided users toward desired steps. Additionally, we implemented rich schema markup, including FAQs, to enhance search engine understanding and improve page ranking. These optimizations transformed the informational pages into seamless conversion hubs, drawing visitors deeper into the sales funnel with every click.


Forget hidden treasures, this e-commerce company is now the shining star of search results. Thanks to BSM’s tried and true approach, the client witnessed a year-over-year growth spurt that redefines “impressive.” Let’s delve into the data that speaks volumes:

  • Organic Traffic Surge: Remember those product pages that were buried on the SERPs? We catapulted them to the top, producing a phenomenal surge in organic traffic. This influx of visitors proves the power of strategic keyword targeting and optimized content.
  • Impressions Avalanche: We didn’t just nudge impressions; we unleashed a tidal wave! A remarkable increase year-over-year meant millions of Google searchers saw the client’s magnetic marvels, driving brand awareness and customer engagement.
  • Click Magnetism in Action: With increased visibility came an irresistible pull. Clicks jumped, demonstrating the persuasive power of optimized product pages and targeted outreach campaigns.
  • Conversion Chain Reaction: The journey didn’t stop at clicks. Website visitors converted to loyal customers at a higher rate compared to the previous year. This impressive leap from clicks to conversions underscores the effectiveness of a data-driven SEO approach.

The screenshot below highlights just one of the product pages we optimized for the client. Check out the incredible year-over-year increases!

Unlocking millions in potential. E-commerce SEO case study.

These aren’t just numbers; they’re a testament to e-com SEO’s transformative power. And the best part? This is just the beginning.

About Boulder SEO Marketing

If you’re an online retailer and you’ve been struggling to surpass your competitors in search results, turn to Boulder SEO Marketing for SEO e-commerce services. BSM is a boutique SEO agency that helps small businesses increase organic traffic. We can deliver real results in record time using our proprietary Micro-SEO Strategies℠, a powerful SEO strategy. Since 2009, we’ve been helping clients climb the rankings. Unlike some digital marketing agencies that overpromise and underdeliver by claiming to “do it all,” we focus solely on search engine optimization. A jack of all trades might get your site off the ground, but you’ll need specialized tools to get to the top of the search results!

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