Irrigation Equipment Business SEO Case Study

Dominating the Field: A Year of Spectacular Growth in Irrigation Equipment

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The Results

3 Months compared to same time previous year

Total Clicks
+ 0 %
Total impressions
+ 0 %
Average Position
+ 0 %
Bsm Client

We couldn’t be happier with the results BSM has achieved so far. Their approach has not only propelled us ahead of our competition but also solidified our position as an undisputed leader in the field of agricultural equipment. Partnering with BSM has been a game-changer, and we look forward to continued success in the digital realm.

The Client

At a Glance

Our story begins with Chris Raulf, BSM’s visionary founder and CEO, and Daniel Burns, the dynamic COO, receiving a compelling inquiry. A prominent irrigation equipment supplier reached out about climbing the rankings. After scrutinizing their website and evaluating the potential of partnering with them, Chris and Daniel flew out to their base of operations to meet the company executives in person. During this trip, they shared their extensive knowledge of irrigation marketing and introduced the client to BSM’s proprietary Micro-SEO Strategies℠, a powerful SEO strategy.

As the conversation unfolded, it became clear the client had ambitious goals. They wanted to dominate the highly competitive digital landscape within the agricultural industry, a challenge requiring innovation and expertise.

With the ink barely dry on the partnership agreement, Chris and Daniel got to work designing a comprehensive Micro-SEO Strategy℠, showcasing the hands-on, personalized touch that BSM is known for.


BSM crafted two distinct but interlinked solutions for the irrigation equipment business that would transform its digital presence.

1. A Full-Fledged Micro-SEO Strategy℠

The first phase was deploying a Micro-SEO Strategy℠ focused on one of the client’s core irrigation systems. Here’s how BSM did it:

  • Keyword Selection: BSM conducted comprehensive research to identify the most competitive and relevant keywords within the agricultural equipment niche. The goal was clear: determine which phrases would drive organic traffic and boost conversions.
  • Content Optimization: Armed with their target keywords, the BSM team initiated a transformative process to update the client’s existing webpage. The objective was to make the page the best content on the web for that particular type of irrigation system. This meant optimizing every aspect, from content quality and structure to user experience and engagement.

The result? A powerful, hyper-focused Micro-SEO Strategy℠ that would serve as the cornerstone of the client’s digital presence. BSM set the stage for the irrigation equipment business to dominate its niche.

2. Backend Technical Optimization

While Chris and Daniel spearheaded the Micro-SEO Strategy℠, BSM’s tech team took a deep dive into the technical health of the client’s website and set out to enhance its functionality and appeal to search engines.

  • Comprehensive Analysis: BSM’s experts meticulously analyzed the website, assessing it from top to bottom. This included scrutinizing site speed, mobile-friendliness, crawlability, and more.
  • Actionable Fixes: Armed with a wealth of insights, BSM’s tech team gave the client detailed instructions on rectifying the issues they found and making additional improvements.



Forget guesswork and green thumbs. BSM’s irrigation marketing delivered laser-focused SEO that increased total clicks by 700%, propelling the client from online obscurity to a digital oasis. But we didn’t stop there.

Year-over-year, the client witnessed a surge across every key metric, including impressions and average position:


The targeted keywords for the irrigation system consistently rank among the top results on Google, driving potential customers to the page. At the same time, the technical optimizations led to a better user experience, resulting in increased engagement, longer time spent on the website, and reduced bounce rates. Furthermore, the client witnessed a substantial surge in organic traffic and experienced higher conversion rates, translating into tangible business growth.

This isn’t just a case study; it’s a testament to BSM’s data-driven approach. We don’t throw seeds and hope for a harvest; we plant a strategic roadmap, nurture it with meticulous execution, and reap the rewards of consistent, quantifiable growth.


About Boulder SEO Marketing

If you need irrigation marketing, look no further than BSM. BSM is a boutique SEO agency that helps small businesses increase organic traffic. Using our proprietary Micro-SEO Strategies℠, we can deliver real results in record time. Since 2009, we’ve been helping clients climb the rankings. Unlike some digital marketing agencies that overpromise and underdeliver by claiming to “do it all,” we focus solely on search engine optimization. A jack of all trades might get your site off the ground, but you’ll need specialized tools to get to the top of the search results!

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