Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Our Conversion Rate Optimization service complements our SEO efforts by enhancing website performance to boost conversions, minimize bounce rates, and enrich user experience. Through meticulous audits and strategic recommendations, we refine your website’s functionality and design, making every visit a step closer to conversion. This service ensures your SEO-driven traffic accomplishes your business objectives through improved engagement and conversion metrics.

Enhance Your Website's Performance with Conversion Rate Optimization

In today’s digital landscape, it’s not just about driving traffic to your website; it’s about converting that traffic into loyal customers. As an integral part of our suite of services, Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) plays a crucial role in achieving your online goals. Our CRO service is designed to maximize the potential of your website by fine-tuning the user experience and boosting conversions.

Key Points:

Comprehensive Website Audit:

As part of our commitment to enhancing your SEO strategy, our team of UI/UX experts conducts a thorough audit of your website to identify areas that may be hindering conversions. We scrutinize user journeys, design elements, and overall website performance.

Data-Driven Insights:

Backed by data analytics, heatmaps, and user behavior analysis, our CRO process is not based on guesswork. We use data to pinpoint where users are dropping off or hesitating in their purchasing decisions.

Tailored Recommendations:

 We provide you with a tailored set of recommendations to optimize your website’s user experience based on the audit findings. These recommendations encompass design improvements, layout adjustments, and content enhancements—all aimed at increasing conversions.

Seamless Implementation:

Once you approve the recommended changes, our Website Development team steps in to implement them swiftly and efficiently. Whether it’s redesigning a call-to-action button or simplifying the checkout process, we ensure a seamless integration of CRO improvements.

Why Choose Our Conversion Rate Optimization Service:

Proven Track Record:

Our CRO experts have a history of delivering measurable results for our clients. We’ve helped businesses across various industries increase their conversion rates and, subsequently, their revenue.

Customized Strategies:

We understand that every website is unique, and one-size-fits-all solutions don’t work. That’s why we create customized CRO strategies tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Continuous Monitoring:

CRO is an ongoing process. We continuously monitor the performance of the implemented changes and make adjustments as needed to ensure sustained improvements in conversion rates.

Enhanced SEO Impact:

 Improved user experience and higher conversion rates also positively impact your SEO rankings. Google rewards websites that provide a better user experience, making CRO an essential component of your overall SEO strategy.


Conversion Rate Optimization is the bridge between attracting visitors to your website and turning them into customers. As part of our “Add On” services to your SEO engagement, our CRO service is designed to elevate your online presence, drive more conversions, and maximize the return on your SEO investment. Let us help you unlock the full potential of your website’s performance. Contact us today to get started.

Explore the impact of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) in your SEO strategy.

We Know How To Do SEO

We generate great results for us and for our clients!

1 Position Google Review

1st Position in Google Search

1 Position Google Search

5 Start Reviews in Google

1 Position Google Maps

1st Position in Google Maps


What Our Clients Are Saying About Us

Steve Tytler
Steve Tytler
If you are in Denver, or anywhere in the country for that matter, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND "BSM" for your SEO needs. Lots of companies send "spam emails" soliciting SEO business and you have to figure their SEO service is just as sleazy. At BSM they know how to do SEO Right! The company owner stays on top of all the lastest updates to Google's ever-changing search ranking rules, so you are always on the cutting edge of SEO performance for your website.
Sylvie Froger
Sylvie Froger
No non-sense, practical SEO advice for small businesses - I am a fan!
Kaelin Tillery
Kaelin Tillery
We are 3 months into working with BSM and so far we are very happy with them. They do a great job of communicating and keeping me in the loop on what they are working on.
Steve Graham
Steve Graham
They offer very helpful free webinars and free consultations, with minimal sales pressure. A lot of businesses say they are educators first, but these folks really mean it. I am sure their paid services are well worth the price. It wasn't an effective option for our particular situation, but I would certainly keep them in mind for future projects.
Miriam Epstein
Miriam Epstein
Excellent workshop explaining how to work with SEO using AI included many helpful and useful resources!
Kenton Epard
Kenton Epard
These guys know their SEO stuff. Super super impressive. You are in good hands if you choose them.
Chris returned my voicemail and was extremely polite, professional, and knowledgeable. He did not try to shove a service, or one size fits all package down my throat, and even offered free resources in lieu of. It says a lot about a company when the owner is still involved in the day-to-day operations. He was very honest about SEO needs for our types of businesses and that it would be most helpful for the one we have not expanded yet. Once we do, BSM will be our first call!
Liz Weaver
Liz Weaver
Just finished up a two-hour SEO class and my mind is blown. The way Google keeps changing makes it at times hard to understand the best tactics to take when writing content. This class made it crystal clear what needs to be done. I can immediately put the knowledge I gained to work for client work. Perfect timing! Thank you for sharing the knowledge - that alone is extremely impressive. Anyone looking for a leg up on their competition or just to have the confidence you are using best SEO practices in today's landscape should take their course.
Frank DeDominicis
Frank DeDominicis
This presentation taught me simple, innovative ways to boost my online presence. Thanks so much!

SEO for IT Companies | A Customer Case Study

Top 5 Keiwork Rankings
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SEO for IT Companies | A Customer Case Study

Top 5 Keiwork Rankings
+ 0 %
+ 0 %

SEO for IT Companies | A Customer Case Study

Top 5 Keiwork Rankings
+ 0 %
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All BSM Services

Search Engine Optimization

At the heart of our agency lies our expertise in Search Engine Optimization, where we leverage our proprietary Micro SEO Strategy to secure superior organic search results. This leading service is the cornerstone of our efforts, ensuring your online presence is optimized for maximum visibility and engagement. By focusing on cutting-edge techniques, we aim to elevate your brand’s digital footprint and drive sustained growth.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Our Conversion Rate Optimization service complements our SEO efforts by enhancing website performance to boost conversions, minimize bounce rates, and enrich user experience. Through meticulous audits and strategic recommendations, we refine your website’s functionality and design, making every visit a step closer to conversion. This service ensures your SEO-driven traffic accomplishes your business objectives through improved engagement and conversion metrics.

Google Search Console Monitoring

Our Google Search Console Monitoring service is a proactive measure to safeguard your site’s health and enhance its SEO performance. By regularly checking for errors and warnings, we ensure any potential issues are promptly addressed, maintaining the integrity of your site’s ranking. This essential service supports your SEO strategy by keeping your website compliant with Google’s best practices, thereby boosting your online visibility.

Website Design and Development

Our Website Design and Development service is intricately linked with SEO, focusing on implementing changes and improvements that not only enhance site aesthetics but also its performance. From executing CRO recommendations to technical fixes, our development team ensures your website is optimized for both user experience and search engine visibility. This comprehensive approach ensures that your digital presence is both visually appealing and strategically aligned with SEO best practices.

EEAT Building

In line with modern SEO practices, our EEAT Building service focuses on enhancing your website and brand’s Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness, and Experience score. By implementing targeted activities, we aim to boost your EEAT score, a critical factor in today’s SEO rankings. This service directly supports your SEO strategy by improving your site’s credibility and ranking potential, laying a solid foundation for digital success.

BSM Visitor Lead Finder

Frustrated by anonymous website traffic? BSM Visitor Lead Finder reveals the businesses browsing your site, even if they don’t fill out forms. Get their contact info and directly follow up with those showing interest. It’s as easy as adding a single line of code! We’ll provide you with a daily list of leads delivered straight to your inbox or CRM.

LinkedIn Outreach

Diverging from our core SEO services, our LinkedIn Outreach program offers unparalleled B2B opportunities, connecting you with your ideal customers on the world’s largest professional network. This service is tailored for businesses looking to generate high-quality leads and establish meaningful connections, augmenting your digital strategy beyond traditional SEO. Harness the power of LinkedIn to open new avenues for growth and networking.

A New, Hyper-Focused, Approach to Search Engine Optimization

After ignoring the SEO for our website, because we were so busy helping our customers, we got hit by a Google core algorithm update. Overnight, our website lost 80% of our organic (non-paid) search traffic.

We had to fix the problem, fast. This situation forced us to return to the “SEO drawing board.” We had to figure out what SEO strategy would get us the most significant ROI in the shortest amount possible.

What Set Us Apart?

Our SEO agency operates with total transparency and makes sure clients know from day one that we can’t manipulate Google. (Despite what other agencies may say, no one can.) What we can do is put implement proven and tested SEO strategies that we know are working.

To see if our approach might be a good fit for your site, reach out today! If we end up working together, you can count on getting:

Great SEO Results

Great SEO Results

A Strong Personal Connection

A Strong Personal Connection

Excepcional Customer Service

Excepcional Customer Service

Leadership Team

Chris Raulf Founder Boulder Seo Opt

Chris Raulf

Founder & Chief Executive Officer

Chris Raulf is the founder of BSM, a hyper-focused SEO agency, located in Denver, Boulder and Los Angeles. Chris and his team assist local, national, and international clients.
Daniel Burns Bsm Opt

Daniel Burns

COO, Digital Strategist

For over 20 years, Daniel has a proven record of managing strategic direction and development – driving revenue gains and improving their efficiency and effectiveness.

Frenquently Asked Question

Micro-SEO Strategies℠ take a hyper-focused approach to optimization. Instead of tackling an entire site, which can take months, if not years, we deploy these strategies page-by-page, so the site can start climbing the rankings in months. With the right application, Micro-SEO Strategies℠ allow clients to outrank even their largest competitors for targeted keywords.

As part of our initial research and proposal development process, we’ll identify and discuss with you the initial low-hanging fruit Micro-SEO Strategies℠ opportunities that your site has.

Before committing to work with us, we’ll review these opportunities with you in a screenshare or in-person meeting so that we’re both on the same page. We don’t just want to dictate what we’ll do for you, we’d like to make this a collaborative effort so that we all feel good about the direction that we’re about to embark on.

Before leaving on a long road trip, you probably get your car checked out by a professional mechanic. Your car may look great on the outside, but once you lift the hood, who knows what kind of issues there are.

The same thing applies to your website. Over time, most websites accumulate technical issues that could impact the overal performance of the site in Google search.

Even before signing on the dotted line, we’ll run a complimentary initial technical SEO audit and share the result with you. In many cases, a company’s webmaster will be able to fix the technical issues. In some cases, the technical issues can be pretty severe, and your web designer may not be able to address the issues without help. Don’t worry. We’ve teamed up with some of the top technical SEO experts in the United States, and we’ll help facilitate a solution.

Before leaving on a long road trip, you probably get your car checked out by a professional mechanic. Your car may look great on the outside, but once you lift the hood, who knows what kind of issues there are.

The same thing applies to your website. Over time, most websites accumulate technical issues that could impact the overal performance of the site in Google search.

Even before signing on the dotted line, we’ll run a complimentary initial technical SEO audit and share the result with you. In many cases, a company’s webmaster will be able to fix the technical issues. In some cases, the technical issues can be pretty severe, and your web designer may not be able to address the issues without help. Don’t worry. We’ve teamed up with some of the top technical SEO experts in the United States, and we’ll help facilitate a solution.

After addressing the technical SEO issues of a website, it’s not uncommon to see a 10%-20% boost in organic traffic. So it’s definitely worth doing it.

As soon as the onboarding process is complete, we’ll get to work. Unless you absolutely don’t want to be involved, you’ll be part of the initial Micro-SEO Strategy℠ roadmap meeting. This meeting usually takes between an hour and two. We’ll tackle critical micro-strategy tasks such as low-hanging fruit keyword research, discuss content, perform in-depth search engine results pages (SERPs) analysis, and more.

After performing the research, it’s not uncommon that we’ll put the whiteboard to use and whip up the initial wireframe for the Micro-SEO Strategy℠ page.

Although, we usually see the biggest return on investment from deploying hyper-focused Micro-SEO Strategies℠, it’s still important and beneficial to address foundational search engine optimization tasks. Foundational SEO tasks are implemented site-wide and include tasks such as keyword research for all pages, keyword mapping, and on-page optimization across the site. Foundational SEO aims to improve the overall user experience and ensures all relevant pages on your website are indexable.

A critical component of any SEO strategy is building a website’s E-E-A-T score. E-E-A-T refers to the four most important qualities that Google’s search raters look for on every page they evaluate: Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

We help clients establish E-E-A-T by publishing high-quality content, deploying digital PR campaigns, acquiring reputable backlinks, and numerous other strategies. Increasing a website’s E-E-A-T score takes time, but it’s well worth the effort.